Fetch data from API in ReactJS

Fetch data from API in ReactJS

fetch api data

Using aync-await and custom useFetch() Hook

Custom hook that takes in a URL and options object, sends a GET request to the URL using the fetch API, and returns an object isLoading, data and error.

aync-await fetch data from API


render html element with loop

Using fetch

The Fetch API is a built-in browser API, including data from a server. It returns a Promise that resolves to the response object.

using fetch to get api data

display data of API

Using axios

Axios making HTTP requests from a browser or node.js. It returns a Promise that resolves to the response object.

axios to get api data

axios data display

Using react-query

Returns an object that contains isLoading, error, and data.

isLoading: Boolean that is true while the query is loading data from the API.

error: Any error that occurred while fetching the data.

data: The data that was fetched from the API. 

react-query to fetch data

react-query to fetch data display

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